Central Oahu Park - Hawaii
The island of Oahu in Hawaii did not have a tennis tournament venue with adequate courts and facilities to host a major tennis event. The city and county of Honolulu retained Global to develop a Master Plan and the tennis specific construction documents for a new Tennis Center. The first phase includes 20 courts and two comfort stations in a park-like setting. The final phase will include the Stadium Court, a 4-Court Training Facility, a large Clubhouse and a tournament support area.

Phipps Ocean Park - Town of Palm Beach, Florida
The Town elected to construct a smaller tennis facility in Phipps Ocean Park, immediately adjacent to the ocean and beach. Existing parking facilities made it a logical site choice. Global was engaged to design a total tennis complex with six sub-surface irrigated tennis courts, a Pro Shop/Control Building, Entrance Plaza with a Player/Spectator Pavilion and maintenance facilities.

Donald Van Blake Tennis Center - Plainfield, NJ
The tennis facility was completely reconstructed to 4 groups of four courts each with access from a center walk with gates to each court. A Plaza was added with shade shelters for the players as well as drinking fountains. A spectator viewing area was added on the East end of the North courts for viewing tournament play. Environmental lighting systems replaced the older high mast lighting system.

Sunrise Tennis Club Park - Florida
unrise Tennis Club Park is the former Welleby Tennis Center which has been completely redesigned and reconstructed to provide the members with a modern tennis facility utilizing the latest technology in tennis court design and construction. The club features a clubhouse/pro shop, a clubhouse exhibition court, ten subsurface irrigated HydroCourt fast dry courts, six Pro-DecoTurf courts - the "Surface of Champions" and a member parking area. The club also features a tournament area where major tennis tournaments may be scheduled.

Tennis Center of Coral Springs - Florida
The Tennis Center of Coral Springs serves the city as a recreational tennis club as well as hosting the ATP Tour event, "Americas Red Clay Tennis Championships". The facility includes a full service clubhouse with elevated deck overlooking the courts, twelve subsurface irrigated red FastDry courts and four Pro DecoTurf courts featuring the surface of champions.

Greenview Park Tennis Facility - South Carolina
Greenview Park originally had five tennis courts in need of rehabilitation. By drawing attention to the interesting physical characteristics of this project, and by arranging the required functions in an attractive manner, this facility takes on an award winning character of its own.

Copeland-Cox Tennis Center - Mobile, Alabama
Became the world’s largest public hard court tennis facility (60 courts) after completion of Phase I of Global’s Master Plan in June, 2007. Our four phase Master Plan and tennis specific Construction Documents guide the modernization of this 43-year old facility enabling continued high standards of service for over 50 tournaments annually, including the USTA Southern Section National Championships (+2,500 participants) – the largest public tennis tournament in the USA.

South East Tennis Complex - Columbia, South Carolina
Situated south of downtown in a 62-acre park shaded by thousands of trees, the Complex features sixteen (4 soft and 12 hard) lighted courts carefully tucked into the existing tree canopy with a boardwalk skirting a six-acre pond. Future plans include 14 additional courts, a pro shop, restrooms, an environmental education center, public meeting space, a picnic shelter with restrooms, additional walking trails, and a playfield.

Seaview Park Tennis Center - Palm Beach, Florida
The renovation includes seven subsurface irrigated HarTru courts and practice wall, lighting for all courts, new fencing and landscaping, and ameneties including shade shelters with drinking fountains, a covered viewing area and new walkways. In addition, the facility has a small pro shop/control building located at the NW corner of court number 1. The building includes a merchandise display area, tennis program registration and payment area, tennis pro desk area, and two bathrooms accessible from the exterior of the building.

Arthur Ashe Tennis Center - Virginia
Global Sports & Tennis Design Group (GS&TDG) has had the privilege to have preformed design services for several projects for Arthur Ashe, either personally or in his honor.

Palm Coast Tennis Center - Palm Coast, Florida
Facility designed and built for the City of Palm Coast by Global Sports and Tennis Design Group, llc and Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Phase I, which began January, 2006, was completed November, 2007 and provides the “Friends of Tennis – Palm Coast, Florida” with 10 sub-surface irrigated Hydrogrid HarTru courts, parking, and support facilities. Future plans include an expansion to twenty courts, an exhibition court, and a tennis clubhouse.